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11th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry (WCBP)

 Иван Мартынихин
Место проведения: Kyoto, JapanДата мероприятия: 23-06-2013 - 27-06-2013Подача тезисов до: 18-06-2012

Секция Биологической психиатрии РОП сообщает, что Всемирная Федерация Обществ Биологической Психиатрии открыла доступ членам РОП к ресурсам своего сайта по ссылке http://www.wfsbp.org Подробную информацию о ближайшем конгрессе Федерации и его программу можно так же найти на сайте http://www.wfsbp-congress.org/.

After the big success of the Prague meeting in 2011, Kyoto is the ideal setting to discuss the current advances in biology and molecular genetics, the development of new drugs based upon new molecular concepts, and the advances in modern technologies and neuroscience that will change our concepts and attitudes towards our patients.

During this outstanding scientific event, opinion leaders from all around the world will share with us the newest innovations in the field and their impact on diagnoses, treatment and quality of life of our patients. High scientific level sessions will be organized: intensive Workshops and Debates, Plenary Lectures with well known experts in the field and Symposia. Young scientists are especially encouraged to present their recent findings through Free Communications, Posters and Young Scientists Award Sessions, which will be dedicated to them.

The general aim of the scientific programme will be the biological and molecular basis of mental diseases which will contribute to improve our patients‘ everyday life.

Deadline for Symposia: 18 June 2012

Веб-сайт: http://www.wfsbp-congress.org/



биологическая психиатрия (24)

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