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21st European Congress of Psychiatry

 Иван Мартынихин
Место проведения: Ницца, ФранцияДата мероприятия: 06-04-2013 - 09-04-2013Подача тезисов до: 22-12-2012


Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the EPA Scientific Programme Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the 21st European Congress of Psychiatry taking place in Nice, France on 6-9 April 2013. This Congress marks the 30th Anniversary of the EPA. The scientific programme will have a well-balanced variety of sessions around the most important topics in psychiatry today while at the same time looking forward into the future. 

As you may know, during the 20th European Congress of Psychiatry in Prague, the EPA Extraordinary General Assembly voted upon new statutes for the EPA. These modifications now allow your national psychiatric  association to become a full
voting member of the EPA. Through your national membership, you automatically become an affiliate member of the EPA. Affiliate members pay no annual fee to EPA and benefit from  regular EPA e-news, observer status at the EPA General Assembly and a discount on membership upgrade to Individual level. 

To take advantage of an early bird Congress  registration fee, we invite you to register  before 22 January 2013 at  www.epa-congress.org Your participation in the Congress will give you the opportunity to interact and network with colleagues from Europe and around the world; it will also help to  highlight the strengths of the National  Society/Association Members within the new EPA structure.

The Congress motto, “Europe Challenges the Burden of Mental Disorders,” is a call to contribute to the European psychiatrists’ efforts to improve mental health in Europe. Therefore, in addition to your attendance we invite you to take part in this exchange of knowledge and experience by  submitting proposals online for symposia and workshops (deadline 23 May 2012) and posters and free communication abstracts (deadline 22 October 2012). All details are available on the Congress website www.epa-congress.org. The Scientific Programme Committee and the EPA Head Office team remain at
your disposal for any further information. We look forward to seeing you in Nice. 

Best regards,
Patrice Boyer        Danuta Wasserman         Mariano Bassi
EPA President      EPA President Elect        Chair of the EPA Council of National Societies/Associations


Сайт конгресса http://www.epa-congress.org/



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