Главная | Мероприятия | Berlin Workshop Days in CL Psychosomatics and Psychiatry 2015


Berlin Workshop Days in CL Psychosomatics and Psychiatry 2015

 Иван Мартынихин
Место проведения: Berlin, GermanyДата мероприятия: 22-10-2015 - 24-10-2015

Dear Collegues,


we the department of psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychsomatics of the evangelic clinic „Königin-Elisabeth-Herzberge“ would like to invite you to our upcoming “Berlin Workshop Days in CL Psychosomatics and Psychiatry 2015“.

The workshop will take place from October 22nd until October 24th 2015 with a pre-conference on Wednesday, October 21st 2015.

For more information you find attached the “Save the Date-Flyer“.

The program-flyer is in working process and will reach you as soon as possible.

With kind regards,


Prof. Dr. A. Diefenbacher

Head of department of psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychsomatics
Evangelisches Krankenhaus Königin Elisabeth Herzberge gGmbH

Web: www.keh-berlin.de



CL-P_SAVE THE DATE_Flyer_2015.pdf (123.22 kb.)


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