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Nordic Congress of psychiatry "Understanding mind and crossing borders"

 Иван Мартынихин
Место проведения: Tromse, NorwayДата мероприятия: 05-06-2012 - 08-06-2012Подача тезисов до: 15-04-2012

Nordic Congress of psychiatry "Understanding mind and crossing borders"


The congress is organized by the Norwegian Psychiatric Association and the Norwegian Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry on behalf of the Joint Committee of the Nordic Psychiatric Associations and in cooperation with all Psychiatric Associations within the Nordic Zone of the World Psychiatric Association.

There will be a separate program for candidates in psychiatric specialization (LIS).

The scientific program will have a broad scope

  • Leadership and disaster management after the 22 July terror in Norway
    (Lars Weisæth)
  • Translating knowledge to practice – Part 1. Evidence-based medicine and the compelling world of Cochrane reviewsTranslating knowledge to practice – Part 2. From Cochrane reviews to evidence-based guideline implementation
    (Corrado Barbui)
  • Mental health implications of migration 
    (Dinesh Bhugra)
  • Models of mental health service for multicultural societies and what culture adds to a person-centered psychiatry 
    (Laurence Kirmayer)
  • The gene environment in psychiatry 
    (Kenneth Kendler)
  • Current challenges in psychopathology – clinical and theoretical implications of sub-threshold states in psychiatry 
    (Levent Küey)
  • Treatment of psychoses with an emphasize on early intervention
    (Thomas McGlashan , Pat McGorry, Merethe Nordenthoft, Jan O. Johannesen, Ingrid Melle)
  • Life expectancy and mental health
    (Merete Nordentoft)

Сайт конгресса http://ncp2012.org/

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