10th International Training Seminar in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
10th International Training Seminar in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Monastero Santa Croce in Bocca di Magra, La Spezia (Italy)
June 23-29, 2013
Structure of the educational project:
The Foundation Child and the Working Group on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Italian Society of Psychopathology (SOPSI), with the Co-Sponsorship of the WPA’s Working Group on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, are pleased to announce the 10th Training Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for young researchers in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychiatry.
The aim of the course is to provide a high-quality intensive training experience that will offer training on the relevant elements of clinical science (diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the most important childhood psychiatric disorders) and research (designing a research project, research methods, basic principles of statistics, writing and presenting scientific work). In addition, the course is designed to provide tutorials, networking and other valuable educational activities that will enhance the education of junior investigators.
The five-day seminar will include lectures and interactive sessions conducted by an international panel of highly qualified faculty with recognized expertise in their respective fields. The seminar will take in a pleasant environment that has been chosen to facilitate this unique training experience.
Due to the astounding success of the initiative, the final deadline to apply has been conclusively postponed to Monday, April 8th 2013.
Trainees are resposible only for their travel costs to and from the semniar site. The Foundation Child will cover application fees, tuition, food and lodging.
For complete information regarding the 10th Training Seminar 2013 download the following files:
For inquires and addition information about the 10th Training Seminar on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry write an email toinfo@fondazionechild.it
Professors and Students: Group Picture of the 2012 Edition
Instructions to apply
To apply to the 10th Training Seminar on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry please follow instructions below:
1) Download: Application_form_2013.doc
2) Fill the document Application_form_2013 and return it by email to info@fondazionechild.it before April 8th, 2013.
3) Your application will be evaluated by the Foundation Child's Scientific Commitee and discuss by the Board of Directors.
4) You will receive notification about your application by email
For inquires and addition information about the 10th Training Seminar on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry write an email to:info@fondazionechild.it
Подробнее http://www.fondazionechild.it/
The 10th Training Seminar on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is promoted by Foundation Child and by SOPSI's working unit on child and adolescent psychiatry
The 10th Training Seminar on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is co-sponsored by WPA CAP – World Psychiatric Association, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
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